Journal Management System


Assessment of Genetic Diversity and Heritability of Agro-morphological Traits in Chickpea Promising Lines under Normal Moisture Conditions

Volume 10, Issue 2, March 2019, Pages 31-44
Sayyed Saeed Moosavi; Mohammad Reza Abdolahi; Fariborz Ghanbari; Homayoun Kanouni


Constructing and Validating Tendency to Learning New Knowledge Test in Bank Maskan Employees

Volume 2, Issue 2, August 2014, Pages 49-65
khosro rashid


Construction and Validation of a Tool in Measuring Chess Management in Iranian Sport Organizations

Volume 10, Issue 20, January 2021, Pages 51-64
Nina Hemmatizadeh; Hossein Sepasi; Parivash Nourbakhsh; Mahvash Noorbakhsh


Evaluating the Effect of Cultural Capital on GDP in Provinces of Iran

Volume 6, Issue 23, November 2017, Pages 231-254
seyed kamal sadeghi; saeed gharshasbi fakhr; reza ranjpour; mohammad ali motafaker azad; ahmad asadzadeh


Evaluation of Offspring Obtained from Crossing Between Superior Local Genotypes of Almond and 'Tuono' Cultivar from the Viewpoint of Self-compatible Quantitative and Qualitative Characteristics Fruit

Volume 6, Issue 1, September 2014, Pages 43-57
asgar estaji; ali ebadi; mohammad reza fatahi moghadam; Mostafa Aali far


Investigating the impacts of holding sport events on host community Case study: University of Birjand as the host of 11th sport –cultural Olympiad of University girl students in Iran

Volume 3, Issue 6, March 2014, Pages 73-85
reza andam; rahimeh mahdizadeh; farideh taghipour jahromi


Prediction of gold in Takab Zarshuran using linear and nonlinear regression methods

Volume 15, Issue 29, March 2021, Pages 1-14
R. Alimohamadi; F. Ghadimi