Journal Management System


Ecophysiological Response of Potato Cultivars to Bio-fertilizer and Limited Irrigation

Volume 10, Issue 1, June 2018, Pages 175-188
Habib Maralian; Safar Nasrollahzadeh; Yaegoob Raiyi; Davood Hassanpanah


Effect of Nitrogen and Phosphorous Biofertilizers on Quantitative and Qualitative Traits of Borage (Borago officinalis L.) under Water Deficit Stress

Volume 3, Issue 1, October 2011, Pages 37-50
Afshin Karami; Ali Sepehri; Javad Hamzei; Ghobad Salimi


Investigation of various stress and strain determination methods and crustal shortening in Iran using focal mechanism of the earthquakes

Volume 12, Issue 23, June 2018, Pages 128-139
Majid Nemati


The Efficiency of PRAAT Application on Teaching Stress Pattern of English Verb-Noun Pairs to Persian Learners

Volume 13, Issue 26, March 2024, Pages 115-132
Zeinab Sazegar


The Phonetic Study of Rhythm in Persian

Volume 13, Issue 25, September 2023, Pages 59-82
vahid sadeghi; Sude Ramezani


Voice quality of stressed syllables in Persian

Volume 7, Issue 14, February 2018, Pages 165-179
Neda Musavi